I didn't finish making my dedication ad - what can I do?

If the ad product is no longer for sale in your school's online store, unfortunately the Yearbook Market Team is not authorized to reopen sales. Contact your school to see if they can offer a sales extension.

If your school is still offering dedications ads for sale, return to their online store, choose the ad product and log back into the ad builder. Your work-in-progress is available in the design tool. Complete the ad, finalize it, then complete the payment. Your ad will be sent to your yearbook committee.

If you completed payment prior to completing the ad and submitted it with missing photos and/or text, contact the Yearbook Market support team. Our team can either refund your previous purchase so you can redesign and repurchase, or assist you in other ways to ensure that your ad is submitted quickly to your yearbook design team. To contact our team, click the "ASK" button above.

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