I bought an ad but could not access an ad design tool or submit photos & text.

If your online store offers one or more ad products directly available on the store's front page, then your school has not turned an online ad builder. Some yearbook design teams will create ads directly in their yearbook software. Check the product description - it may offer information about who to contact and what the design team needs from you. If no information is provided, contact your school directly to ask about their ad creation plan.

If your school's store shows "Create a Dedication Ad" on the store's front page, then they have opted to use the online dedication ad builder. You should be asked to create a login after clicking on this link - your login will allow you to save your work in progress.

If you click on this product and get an error message, please let our Yearbook Market support team know. There is a technical issue our team can fix. Click on the "ASK" button above to contact our team.

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