I want to design an ad in a different software - how do I submit it?

If you want to create an ad in Photoshop, Canva, Procreate or other image editing tool of your choice, do the following:

1. Go to your school's online store to check what ad sizes they offer.

  1. Click below on the ad size you have selected. This will download a jpg file showing the file dimensions/resolution to use in your software.

    Full Page Ad | Half Page Ad | Quarter Page Ad | Eighth Page Ad

  2. Set up your project in your software using the exact dimensions shown on your downloaded jpg file. You might also be able to open the jpg file in your image editor to use as a base layer.
  3. Export/save your completed ad as a 300 dpi jpg file.
  4. In your school's Yearbook Market store, log into ad builder, then choose your ad size.
  5. Choose a blank from-scratch template.
  6. Upload your jpg file in the ad builder.
  7. Drag your file onto the canvas then place it to cover the entire canvas.
  8. Check out of the store. Your completed ad will be transmitted to your school's yearbook design team.

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